Meeting Water Demands for Horotiua Dairy Manufacturer


Dairy Manufacturer in Waikato


$3 Million

Project type:

Plant Capacity:
Process 75 m3/h
(upgradable to 150 m3/h,
High Purity 12 m3/h

Customer Need

The dairy manufacturer demands water for their new dairy plant: process water for drinking, cleaning and within the milk powder processing facility and high purity water, fully demineralised and deionised as boiler feedwater.

The treated water needed to meet New Zealand Drinking Water Standards (DWSNZ 2005 (Rev. 2008)) and the manufacturer’s specific requirement, related to iron, manganese, free available chlorine, pH, suspended solids and hardness as per the contract specification.

What We Did

FILTEC provided a full turnkey facility (excluding civil and building works and certain ancillary systems) including but not limited to design, procurement, installation commissioning and training two Water Treatment Plants, an Ultra-Filtration Membrane Water Treatment Plant and a Reverse Osmosis High Purity Water Treatment Plant.

Being the main contractor, FILTEC designed the process and mechanical aspects of the job in house, with support from process partners (membranes and UV disinfection), and equipment suppliers. Electrical, automation and control aspects of the contract were subcontracted to specialists
familiar with the customer’s electrical systems and standards.

The Results

The design team incorporated a number of cost saving measures (such as a shared CIP Kitchen and making full use of the existing infrastructure, such as existing feed and backwash pumps, site compressed air, and existing site wastewater process, to lower both CAPEX and OPEX costs.