Urgent ultrafiltration system delivered to Mitchelton Wines

ultrafiltration system - water for wine processing Mitchelton Wines
Customer Need

New ultrafiltration systems required to purify water for wine processing and drinking

Mitchelton Wines, located in Victoria, Australia, needed to urgently replace their two ultrafiltration systems that were destroyed by floods. They use ultrafiltration to purify water for wine processing and drinking water for their guest facilities.

The winery is situated on the banks of the Goulburn River, which has agricultural and town stormwater runoff containing pollutants and organic matter. Erosion from heavy rainfall and flooding had also affected the river’s quality, and higher temperatures increased the risk of algal growth.

To address these issues, the winery required a robust solution capable of treating multiple water quality issues and producing safe water for wine processing and drinking. The winery needed one ultrafiltration system urgently to mitigate drinking water risks at their upcoming events and a second system to increase water production capacity for the site’s clean water requirements. water for wine processing



Project type:
Winery, Drinking Water, Ultrafiltration, Water for Wine Processing 

Plant Capacity:
100 – 300 m3/day

What we did

Delivered an ultrafiltration system in one week

As Mitchelton Wines were without any reliable water supply due to the devastation of the floods, FILTEC expedited the delivery of the first replacement ultrafiltration system.

The supplied solution was a FILTEC UltraFLEX modular ultrafiltration system, combining several water treatment processes. FILTEC easily assembled the required modules thanks to the flexible design of the system. The UltraFLEX unit was transported to Mitchelton Wines and installed on-site in the same week.

ultrafiltration system delivered to Australian Winery

Minimised costs by reducing chemical and energy usage 

FILTEC’s initial UltraFLEX system produces 100 cubic meters of potable water per day. The system guaranteed the winery’s accommodation and restaurant a steady and safe water supply, allowing scheduled events to proceed despite the recent floods. 

The first UltraFLEX is a self-contained skid housing three water treatment processes: ultrafiltration, carbon filtration, and ultraviolet (UV) disinfection.

The ultrafiltration, and carbon filtration processes work together to remove contaminants from the water, while the UV disinfection process kills any microorganisms that may be present. These processes are vital in maintaining the water’s quality and safety, ensuring that no harmful elements impact wine quality.

winery water supply system

Increased water treatment volume and purity of the water for wine processing

While the first ultrafiltration system secured the winery’s continued operation, a second system was needed to increase the both the volume of treated drinking water and ultrapure water for wine processing.

FILTEC supplied the system, which complements the first and enhances water purity through three processes: carbon and membrane filtration, and UV disinfection. The second system produces 300 cubic meters of purified water per day.

Automated operations allowed the winemakers to focus on making wine

FILTEC UltraFLEX systems are designed with winery and production facility customers in mind. To reduce the operational input needed by Mitchelton Wines the new ultrafiltration systems include fully automated operations. The systems are monitored remotely and serviced by FILTEC when routine maintenance is required. water for wine processing

The Results

Events proceeded and further loss was avoided for the winery

The two new drinking water systems combined successfully supply ultrapure water for wine processing, and safe drinking water to the cellar door, restaurant, and accommodation facilities.

ultrafiltration system - water for wine processing Mitchelton Wines

FILTEC’s immediate turnaround of the first UltraFLEX ultrafiltration system ensured Mitchelton Wines was able to continue their operations for upcoming events held at the winery, preventing further loss or hardship for the business. The planned events went ahead with sufficient drinking water supply for the restaurant and accommodation facilities.

The larger, second ultrafiltration system significantly bolstered the winery water supply for the entire site. Mitchelton Wines were able to resume production at their wine processing facility through access to consistent, ultrapure water generated by the FILTEC UltraFLEX systems.