Chlorine gas dosing system retrofit for dairy factory

Chlorine gas dosing system retrofit for dairy factory
Customer Need

Chlorine gas dosing system for reliable water disinfection at dairy factory

A Waikato dairy factory needed a chlorine gas dosing system integrated into their existing water treatment infrastructure. A chlorine gas dosing system provides effective and dependable water disinfection, critical for the various purposes in dairy factories, such as cleaning, sanitation, providing potable drinking water and processing needs. 

Chlorine is a powerful disinfectant that effectively eliminates harmful microorganisms, while leaving a residual disinfectant within the distribution network and water storage tanks. The use of chlorine gas in lieu of sodium hypochlorite reduces the amount of chlorates and perchlorates generated in the water as by-products from the consumption of sodium hypochlorite. 

Implementing this system helped the dairy factory maintain stringent hygiene standards, comply with regulatory requirements for chlorates and perchlorates reduction in treated water, and enhanced the overall efficiency of their water treatment system. 


Waikato Dairy Manufacturer


Project type:
Dairy, Chlorine, Food & Beverage

Plant Capacity:
170 m3/day

What we did

Supplied and installed a new chlorine gas dosing system

FILTEC leveraged the dairy factory’s existing water treatment structure to integrate a new chlorine gas dosing system. The chlorine gas dosing system supplied by FILTEC ensures the rapid and effective disinfection of the water supply at the dairy factory. 

With carefully controlled dosage levels, the system efficiently combats potential hazards posed by harmful microorganisms, providing a safe and sanitised water source for the various processes within the factory. 

Chlorine gas dosing system retrofit for dairy factory

Maintained a residual disinfection of chlorine in water supply  

One of the key advantages of the chlorine gas dosing system is its ability to maintain a residual disinfection of chlorine in the water supply while minimising the amounts of chlorates and perchlorates that are formed as by-products of chlorine disinfection. This residual disinfection helps to continuously protect the water against any potential microbial contamination throughout the distribution system.  

This ensures the water at the dairy remains safe and free from harmful pathogens and complies to New Zealand Drinking Water Standards. The residual chlorine is also used to produce a catalytic reaction that removes dissolved iron and manganese from the water. 

Chlorine gas dosing system retrofit for dairy factory

Reduced operational and maintenance costs 

The integration of the chlorine gas dosing system into the existing water treatment infrastructure resulted in cost savings for the dairy factory and savings on maintenance activities as chlorine gas does not degrade over time as does sodium hypochlorite and the frequency of changing chlorine gas drums compared to sodium hypochlorite IBC’s is less.  

Adjustable dosage control for consistent disinfection levels 

The chlorine gas dosing system supplied by FILTEC features adjustable dosage control, allowing the dairy factory to maintain consistent disinfection levels in the water supply. This flexibility enables the factory to adapt the disinfection process according to varying water quality requirements and flow rates, ensuring optimal performance and water safety at all times. 

Chlorine gas dosing controls

Compliance with drinking water standards

The chlorine gas dosing system complies with New Zealand drinking water standards, ensuring that the water used in the dairy factory meets the necessary quality within the standards for public consumption and processing.

The Results

Strengthened water disinfection practices and improved operational efficiency 

The chlorine gas dosing system retrofit by FILTEC has been a transformative addition to the Waikato dairy factory’s water treatment infrastructure. 

Chlorine gas dosing system retrofit for dairy factory

It has strengthened water disinfection practices, achieved compliance with regulatory standards, improved operational efficiency, and offered long-term advantages for the factory. The successful implementation of this system serves as a model for other dairy factories seeking reliable and sustainable water disinfection solutions or iron and manganese precipitation methods.