Raw Water Pre-Treatment – Warkworth


Watercare Services Ltd



$2.8 Million

Project type:
Water Treatment

Plant Capacity:
2,905m3/day – 2018 (initial)
4,181 m3/day – 2026 (Future)
8,283 m3/day – 2032 (Ultimate)

Customer Need

A town in the northern region of Auckland sourced water from the local river meaning it could be insecure. In an event of heavy rain, sediment in the river can increase by 3000 percent putting pressure on the existing water treatment plant. 

Also, during drought conditions, the river was not able to meet water demand resulting in water being trucked from other sources to fill the reservoir. Last but not least, with an expectation that the current populate will quadruple by 2020, it was clear that the existing water treatment plant could not meet the demand.

What We Did

FILTEC as the subcontractor worked with Cassidy Construction on supply and build of the water treatment plant. To solve the issues on the existing water treatment plant, the solution was to build a new water treatment plant sourcing water from two bores. This helped maintain the security of the town’s water supply to meet the growing population’s demand. Chlorine was also added to ensure the water is safe from the treatment plant all the way to the tap.

The Results

The new water treatment plant is now producing around 3000m3 of water a day, with the capacity to reach 8000m3 a day to meet the population’s demand. The plant is also drought proof which guaranteed supply from the bore.