Solar Powered PFAS Contamination Removal

Customer Need

FILTEC’s plant was designed and provided to the customer to treat PFAS contamination (Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances) in the water source. The PFAS contaminants are highly stable in the environment due to their stability. PFAS are also listed as a possible carcinogen, and because they are so persistent in the environment concentrations increase which increases the risk to environment and people.

This design and operation of the mobile PFAS treatment plant was completed with sustainability at the forefront of mind. The plant requires no civil or electrical works and can be moved from site to site. The containerised system is powered by green energy and enables the customer to remove the PFAS from the contaminated water source and put the clean treated water back into the environment.


Project type:
PFAS Contamination

Plant Capacity:
115 kL/day


$339,000 AUD

What We Did

FILTEC’s solution was not only focussed on the environmental and sustainability aspects of the plant operation, but the plant also had to meet the PFAS removal requirements. The design and operation ensure the removal efficiency of PFAS from the contaminated water is close to 100%. PFAS residual in the treated water was tested and was below the detectible limit for discharge back into the environment.

This plant is highly mobile, the entire treatment plant was constructed to fit inside two 20ft shipping container that can be transported by one truck. Once the plant has removed all the PFAS contamination from one source, it can be packed up, redeployed and be set-up and fully operational in a matter of days. Making this treatment plant ideal for locations that are hard to get to or require significant investment for civil and electrical. It also solves the need to pump out and truck away contaminated water to a centralised treatment facility eliminating significant cost for the customer.

The plant was design to have very high operational flexibility. The GAC and IX vessels can be operated in any configuration. Which allows the operators to adapt the process configuration of the plant in order to deal with different wastewater conditions on different sites.

The plant is designed to work in locations that are remote or limited power supply. With that in mind FILTEC’s design team produced a low energy consuming WTP that can be completely solar powered. The PFAS WTP was supplied with a mobile solar power plant with batteries to ensure clean energy is supplied to operate the plant. The solar container also functions as a site office for the duration of the deployment.

The Results

The Mobile Solar Powered PFAS Water Treatment Plant is a highly versatile and sustainable solution to treat PFAS contaminated water. It ensures the customer can remove PFAS for the water source to below detectible limits using renewable solar energy.

FILTEC and the team are proud of this plant design and performance as it is 100% aligned with FILTEC’s core values. The plant is an innovative and sustainable option for treating PFAS contaminated water.

FILTEC has a great deal of experience in designing and building PFAS removal facilities to meet any customer needs and we would be happy to partner with you to address your PFAS related water treatment requirements. Â