End to End Water Treatment Plant for Dairy Manufacturer


Dairy Manufacturer, Southland


$2.5 Million for Water Treatment Plant

$2.5 Million for Waste Water Treatment Plant

Project type:
Water and Waste Water Treatment

Plant Capacity:
Water Treatment Plant – 1.173 MLD

Customer Need

A new dairy manufacture site was established in the Southland Region, New Zealand. Water is a vital part of the dairy manufacturing process; it is required from the start of production and dairy effluent needs to be filtered out from the processed water before it is released back to the local effluent system.

What We Did

FILTEC was contracted to design and build a water treatment plant and a wastewater treatment plant. The water treatment plant needed to supply the dairy processing facility with 3 streams of treated water: 1) RO water for use in dairy processing – 1.367 MLD, 2) Demineralised water for plant boiler – 0.112 MLD, and 3) Potable water for services – 0.036 MLD. The wastewater treatment plant will be an automated process plant designed to treat a maximum flow of 1700 m³/d of dairy and site effluent to be discharged to Gore’s effluent system.

FILTEC designed, supplied, installed and commissioned all associated equipment as head contractor engaged by Babbage for the wastewater treatment plant. After the completion of the plant, FILTEC trained operators, provided operations and maintenance manuals and worked alongside Babbage through a proving and plant reliability period.

The Results

Both water treatment plants were completed on time and on budget. The water treatment plant produced quality water for dairy manufacturing and the wastewater treatment plant ensured water that was released back to the local wastewater treatment meet the discharge consents.