Post-Cyclone Restoration of a Lamella Pre-Treatment System

Water Treatment Systems by Filtec lamella pre-treatment

Following the devastating impact of cyclone Gabrielle, the Gisborne District Council faced a critical challenge: restoring water treatment capacity to pre-cyclone levels. FILTEC swiftly provided a new lamella pre-treatment system and installed within the existing settling basin of the Waingake plant.

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Pre-Treatment Plant for Victorian Dairy Manufacturer

Pre-Treatment Plant for Victorian Dairy Manufacturer

A Victorian dairy manufacturer in Australia faced challenges with their water treatment plant due to an unexpected rain event. The deteriorated catchment source led to high colloidal solids in the raw water, causing membrane fouling. FILTEC quickly designed and built a new pre-treatment plant to handle the additional load.

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Water Quality Improvements for Household Usage

The Dovedale water supply was initially intended for livestock, but with the surge in household usage in the Upper Moutere area, concerns over both water volume and quality arose. The Tasman District Council required a solution to improve water quality for household use that leveraged the existing water source.

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